Tag Archives: #TommyFedak
THE “Pinky” Tuscadero & Mine
A Winning Team!
Functionally there aren’t any real similarities between a Calton Case and a Two-Rock Amp. It’s who they work for that gives them commonality. No, it’s not me. It’s my guitar. That’s what makes them teammates on a winning team.
Meet Vibeka Amador
This is Vibeka Amador, the newest member of the Sam Henry Band.And that’s my newest Calton Case. The hardest working case in music. Did you even see the case?
Destination Maui!
Mono Case goes to Maui. The best case scenario you might say.
57′ Fender Stratocaster, 1999 Reissue
The Wonderful Natalie Soma
Indian Creek Plaza 5/13/23NatalieSoma.com
Whatcha doing this weekend?
Hey, I’m leading this weekend. Come on over and introduce yourself. Men’s Confrence 4k from mark on Vimeo.
PRS Journeyman Tools
PRS Silver Sky. Tool of a journeyman.
Gig Life! Off to an audition.
Two-Rock Signed or Not Two-Rock Signed
I have one of each and both sound amazing!
The Sky’s the Limit…
…with a fine glass of Cabernet and my PRS Silver Sky against the Boise sky.
How I Amplify!
I use Two Rock Bloomfield Drive and Fender 64’ Vibroverb for all of my amplification.
Calton Case Gets It Done!
Calton Cases. Made in Austin, Texas USA. This case gets it done!
PRS Workhorses
Paul Reed Smith Silver Sky
Sam Henry Band – iTunes Release-EP